Source code for kiwis_pie.kiwis

import collections
QueryOption = collections.namedtuple('QueryOption', ['wildcard', 'list', 'parser'])

import pandas as pd
import pytz
import re
import requests
from tabulate import tabulate

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

except NameError:
    basestring = str

[docs]class KIWISError(Exception): """ Exception for when the KiWIS service responds with an error. """ pass
[docs]class NoDataError(Exception): """ Exception for when there was no data returned by the KiWIS service. """ pass
[docs]class KIWIS(object): """ Provides access to the KiWIS API at a specified end point. :param server_url: The URL to the KiWIS server. :type server_url: string :param strict_mode: Perform validation on query options passed as kwargs and the return_fields list if True. Otherwise pass through to the KiWIS API which may result in a 500 error if the query option/return field isn't valid. Default: True :type strict_mode: boolean """ __method_args = {} __return_args = {} def __init__(self, server_url, strict_mode=True): self.server_url = server_url self.__default_args = { 'service': 'kisters', 'type': 'QueryServices', 'format': 'json', } self.strict_mode = strict_mode
def __parse_date(input_dt): return pd.to_datetime(input_dt).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') def __gen_kiwis_method(cls, method_name, available_query_options, available_return_fields): start_snake = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', method_name) snake_name = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', start_snake).lower() cls._KIWIS__method_args[method_name] = available_query_options cls._KIWIS__return_args[method_name] = available_return_fields def kiwis_method(self, return_fields = None, keep_tz=False, **kwargs): if self.strict_mode: for query_key in kwargs.keys(): if query_key not in self._KIWIS__method_args[method_name].keys(): raise ValueError(query_key) if (self._KIWIS__method_args[method_name][query_key].list and isinstance(kwargs[query_key], collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(kwargs[query_key], basestring)): kwargs[query_key] = ','.join(kwargs[query_key]) if self._KIWIS__method_args[method_name][query_key].parser is not None: kwargs[query_key] = self._KIWIS__method_args[method_name][query_key].parser(kwargs[query_key]) if return_fields is not None: for return_key in return_fields: if return_key not in self._KIWIS__return_args[method_name]: raise ValueError(return_key) params = self._KIWIS__default_args.copy() params.update(kwargs) params['request'] = method_name if return_fields is not None: params['returnfields'] = ','.join(return_fields) r = requests.get(self.server_url, params = params) logger.debug(r.url) logger.debug(r.status_code) r.raise_for_status() #raise error if service returns an error, i.e. 404, 500 etc. json_data = r.json() if type(json_data) is dict and 'type' in json_data.keys() and json_data['type'] == 'error': raise KIWISError( 'KIWIS returned an error:\n\tCode: {0}\n\tMessage: "{1}"'.format( json_data['code'], json_data['message'] ) ) if json_data is None or json_data[0] == "No matches.": raise NoDataError() if method_name in [ 'getParameterList', 'getParameterTypeList', 'getSiteList', 'getStationList', 'getTimeseriesList' ]: return pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0]) elif method_name in ['getTimeseriesValues']: df = pd.DataFrame(json_data[0]['data'], columns = json_data[0]['columns'].split(',')) if 'Timestamp' in df.columns: df.set_index('Timestamp', inplace = True) if keep_tz: hour_offset, minute_offset = map(int, df.index[0].split('+')[1].split(':')) logger.debug('Using timezone offset %d hour(s) and %d minute(s)', hour_offset, minute_offset) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index).tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert(pytz.FixedOffset(hour_offset*60+minute_offset)) else: df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) return df else: raise NotImplementedError("Method '{0}' has no return implemented.".format(method_name)) docstring = {} docstring['doc_intro'] = "Python method to query the '{0}' KiWIS method.".format(method_name) docstring['doc_intro'] += "\n\nKeyword arguments are those available in the 'Query field' name list below. " docstring['doc_intro'] += "That is the keywords match the Queryfield names used by KiWIS." docstring['doc_intro'] += "\n\n:param keep_tz: " docstring['doc_intro'] += "Set to true to prevent the series datetimes from being converted to UTC." docstring['doc_intro'] += " This optional argument only applies when the returned data includes data with timestamps." docstring['doc_intro'] += "\n:type keep_tz: boolean" docstring['return_fields'] = ":type return_fields: list(string)\n:param return_fields: Optional keyword argument, which is a list made up from the following available fields:\n\n * {0}.".format(',\n * '.join(available_return_fields)) doc_map = { True: 'yes', False: 'no', None: 'n/a', } option_list = [['Queryfield name', '\* as wildcard', 'accepts list']] for option_name, option_details in available_query_options.items(): option_list.append( [ option_name, doc_map[option_details.wildcard], doc_map[option_details.list], ] ) docstring['query_option_table'] = ":param kwargs: Queryfield name for keyword argument. Refer to table:\n\n" docstring['query_option_table'] += tabulate(option_list, headers = 'firstrow', tablefmt = 'rst') docstring['returns'] = ":return: Pandas DataFrame with columns based on the default return from KiWIS or based on the return_fields specified.\n" docstring['returns'] += ":rtype: pandas.DataFrame" kiwis_method.__doc__ = "{doc_intro}\n\n{return_fields}\n\n{query_option_table}\n\n{returns}".format(**docstring) setattr(cls, snake_name, kiwis_method) __gen_kiwis_method( KIWIS, 'getTimeseriesList', { 'station_no': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'station_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'station_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'ts_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'ts_path': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'ts_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'ts_shortname': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'ts_type_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'parametertype_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'parametertype_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'stationparameter_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'stationparameter_no': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'ts_unitname': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'timeseriesgroup_id': QueryOption(False, False, None), 'fulltext': QueryOption(True, False, None), }, [ 'station_no', 'station_id', 'station_name', 'station_latitude', 'station_longitude', 'station_carteasting', 'station_cartnorthing', 'station_georefsystem', 'station_longname', 'ts_id', 'ts_name', 'ts_shortname', 'ts_pat', 'parametertype_id', 'parametertype_name', 'stationparameter_name', 'stationparameter_longname', 'ts_unitname', 'ts_unitsymbol', 'ts_unitname_abs', 'ts_unitsymbol_abs', 'coverage', 'ts_density', 'datacart', ] ) __gen_kiwis_method( KIWIS, 'getTimeseriesValues', { 'ts_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'timeseriesgroup_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'ts_path': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'from': QueryOption(None, None, __parse_date), 'to': QueryOption(None, None, __parse_date), 'period': QueryOption(None, None, None), 'timezone': QueryOption(False, None, None), }, [ 'Timestamp', 'Value', 'Interpolation Type', 'Quality Code', 'Aggregation', 'Accuracy', 'Absolute Value', 'AV Interpolation', 'Type', 'AV Quality Code', 'Runoff Value', 'RV Interpolation', 'Type', 'RV Quality Code', ] ) __gen_kiwis_method( KIWIS, 'getStationList', { 'station_no': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'station_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'station_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'catchment_no': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'catchment_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'catchment_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'site_no': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'site_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'site_name': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'stationgroup_id': QueryOption(False, False, None), 'parametertype_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'parametertype_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'stationparameter_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), }, [ 'station_no', 'station_id', 'station_name', 'catchment_no', 'catchment_id', 'catchment_name', 'station_latitude', 'station_longitude', 'station_carteasting', 'station_cartnorthing', 'site_no', 'site_id', 'site_name', 'parametertype_id', 'parametertype_name', 'stationparameter_name', 'object_type', 'station_georefsystem', 'station_longname', 'custom_attributes', ] ) __gen_kiwis_method( KIWIS, 'getSiteList', { 'site_no': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'site_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'site_name': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'parametertype_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'parametertype_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'stationparameter_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'bbox': QueryOption(None, None, None), }, [ 'site_no', 'site_id', 'site_name', 'site_latitude', 'site_longitude', 'site_carteasting', 'site_cartnorthing', 'site_type_name', 'site_type_shortname', 'parametertype_id', 'parametertype_name', 'stationparameter_name', 'site_georefsystem', 'custom_attributes', ] ) __gen_kiwis_method( KIWIS, 'getParameterList', { 'station_no': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'station_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'station_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'site_False': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'site_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'site_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'stationparameter_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'stationparameter_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'stationparameter_no': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'stationparameter_longname': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'parametertype_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'parametertype_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), 'parametertype_longname': QueryOption(True, True, None), }, [ 'station_no', 'station_id', 'station_name', 'site_no', 'site_id', 'site_name', 'stationparameter_id', 'stationparameter_name', 'stationparameter_no', 'stationparameter_longname', 'parametertype_id', 'parametertype_name', 'parametertype_longname', 'parametertype_shortunitname', 'parametertype_unitname', ] ) __gen_kiwis_method( KIWIS, 'getParameterTypeList', { 'parametertype_id': QueryOption(False, True, None), 'parametertype_name': QueryOption(True, True, None), }, [ ] )